Hello world!

Hello Dear Friends,

Welcome to my first blog post!

I am reinventing myself.  Or, more appropriately, I am rediscovering myself and coming out of hiding.  I have had a strong calling since childhood that I was put on earth to inspire others and connect deeply.  Today, I’m embracing the modern world and perhaps I can finally tap into my true purpose and potential here.  You are all cordially invited to take a peek at my process and join in.

How many of us get trapped in the day to day conundrum of doing merely what we think we are supposed to be doing, without checking in to that inner guide that says, “Hey, this is not you!  You were put here to do other things!”?  Sometimes I think I stopped listening to my voice for so many years, she either became mute from yelling and being ignored, or she fell asleep out of boredom.

In the last few months I’ve woken her up.  I’m not proud of it, but I shook her pretty violently, then we both had a good cry.  I gave her a hug, and we forgave each other.  Now the healing and nurturing has begun, and we are ready to rebuild our relationship.

Do you ever think about it like that?  I feel so lonely sometimes, yet, I’ve had this awesome built in friend that I am constantly ignoring and treating oh so unlovingly.  So now that I’m forgiving myself and moving on, it’s fun to discover again all the passion and fun things about myself I had forgotten.  One of them was feeling deeply, and then writing often.

What things about yourself have you forgotten about and would love to rediscover?


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